Members of the European Law Institute (ELI) will discuss the latest draft of ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy, a joint venture between The American Law Institute (ALI) and ELI, at the ELI annual conference from September 6 to 8.  

While the work was conducted jointly by ALI and ELI, each organization followed its respective approval processes. For the ALI, with the approval of the draft in May 2021, the project Reporters are authorized to correct and update citations and other references, to make editorial and stylistic improvements, and to implement any remaining substantive changes agreed to during discussion with the ALI membership or by motions approved at the Annual Meeting. 

The ELI is scheduled to vote on this project next month. Hopefully a single draft will be approved on both sides of the Atlantic. But for any Principles for which agreement of this sort cannot be reached, there will be different ALI and ELI versions. 

To learn more about this project visit, a site providing background information, aims, outcomes and more. 


Pauline Toboulidis

The American Law Institute