American Indian Law
Topics include federal/tribal relations, state/tribal relations, tribal jurisdiction and authority, and business law.
Jeffery Todd Ulmer and Mindy S. Bradley | February 19, 2019 | American Indian Law
AbstractExaminations of the Native American experience in the US criminal justice system are still relatively sparse, despite earlier calls for increased attention to Native American crime and justice issues. This is unfortunate, as Native Americans are unique among...
Jourdan Bennett-Begaye | February 1, 2019 | American Indian Law
Law was designed to give Native children “equal rights and human rights”A defending argument for the Indian Child Welfare Act was released last week with widespread support from 325 tribes, 57 organizations, 31 child welfare organizations and seven members of...
Gregory Ablavsky | January 10, 2019 | American Indian Law
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard argument in its latest foray into Indian treaty interpretation, Herrera v. Wyoming. The case concerns the persistence of the Crow Tribe’s hunting right in the 1868 Second Treaty of Fort Laramie. In an occasionally meandering...
Lauren Klosinski | December 13, 2018 | American Indian Law, Children and the Law, Compliance and Enforcement for Organizations, Consumer Contracts, Policing, Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons
During its meeting in New York City on October 18 and 19, the ALI Council reviewed drafts for seven Institute projects. Drafts or portions of drafts for six projects received Council approval, subject to the meeting discussion and to the usual prerogative to make...
Sam Lounsberry | November 15, 2018 | American Indian Law
A group of about 20 law students and Boulder area residents are being led to North Dakota over the next several days by the University of Colorado American Indian Law Clinic to ensure the votes of tribal reservation members are counted in Tuesday’s election. The...
Rebecca Nagle | October 9, 2018 | American Indian Law
Native professor Matthew Fletcher: “Indian Country should be terrified. This is the fight of the 21st Century.” The Indian Child Welfare Act was dealt a substantial blow on Friday, when a U.S. Federal Judge in the Northern District of Texas ruled the landmark...