An article from The Atlantic, “How to Actually Fix America’s Police,” addresses the systematic issues with policing in America and lays out a strategy for reform.
Lauren Klosinski Posts
WSJ on Justice Department’s Need for a Compliance Expert
by Lauren Klosinski | Jun 11, 2020 | Compliance and Enforcement for Organizations
An article published in The Wall Street Journal reflects on the potential need for the Department of Justice to employ a full-time compliance expert, particularly in light of complications arising from the COVID-19 crisis.
Law360 Article on Prosecution’s Role in Correcting Wrongful Convictions
by Lauren Klosinski | Jun 8, 2020 | Sentencing
The article “Mo. Exoneration Bid Tests Limits Of Prosecutorial Power” tells the story of Lamar Johnson, who was convicted of murder in Missouri in 1995. However, both Johnson and St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner agree he did not actually commit the crime.
Principles of the Law, Student Sexual Misconduct Referenced in CA Court of Appeals Dissent
by Lauren Klosinski | Jun 2, 2020 | Student Sexual Misconduct
In Boermeester v. Carry, a case involving former USC kicker Matt Boermeester who was expelled from the university in 2017 because of an intimate partner violence charge, the California Court of Appeal found that USC did not provide “a meaningful opportunity to cross-examine critical witnesses at an in-person hearing” as recognized under the new Title IX regulations.
Trade Groups and Chamber of Commerce Push for COVID Liability Protections
by Lauren Klosinski | May 28, 2020 | Liability Insurance
An article from Law360 addresses recent action from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and trade organizations calling on Congress to pass legislation protecting businesses from legal liability as they reopen.
Law360 Article Addresses COVID Eviction Concerns in NY
by Lauren Klosinski | May 26, 2020 | Property
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a new executive order set for June 20, and effective for 60 days, that will amend rules for commercial and residential evictions during the coronavirus pandemic.
Law360 Article on Defining SCOTUS Juvenile Justice Cases
by Lauren Klosinski | Mar 30, 2020 | Children and the Law, Sentencing
The article “Justices Put Juvenile Sentencing Back On The Front Burner” from Law360 discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case Jones v. Mississippi.
Judges’ Insight into the Task of Sentencing
by Lauren Klosinski | Mar 11, 2020 | Sentencing
Members of the judiciary recently shared their thoughts on the challenge of sentencing in an article for The National Law Journal.
Now Available: Law of American Indians ALI CLE Courses
by Lauren Klosinski | Mar 6, 2020 | American Indian Law
Restatement of the Law, The Law of American Indians Reporter Matthew L.M. Fletcher and Associate Reporters Wenona T. Singel and Kaighn Smith Jr. recently teamed up with ALI CLE to offer two courses on the Law of American Indians.
United States Reaches Settlement with Utah State University to Address Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault of Students
by Lauren Klosinski | Feb 13, 2020 | Student Sexual Misconduct
On Feb. 13, the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Utah announced a settlement agreement with Utah State University to ensure the University responds adequately to sexual harassment.