Margaret Love Posts

Restoration of Rights Project

The Restoration of Rights Project is an online resource that offers state-by-state analyses of the law and practice in each U.S. jurisdiction relating to restoration of rights and status following arrest or conviction. Jurisdictional “profiles” cover areas such as loss and restoration of civil rights and firearms rights, judicial and executive mechanisms for avoiding or mitigating collateral consequences, and provisions addressing non-discrimination in employment and licensing. Links to many original sources are included. The information in each profile is summarized, followed in each case by a link to the full profile.

No Second Thoughts about Second Look Sentencing

The MPC’s “second look” proposal and other sentence reduction provisions provide a blueprint for dealing with a problem the Obama Administration has worked hard to resolve over almost three years, with only partial success. That problem is the one reflected in the situation of hundreds – perhaps thousands – of federal prisoners serving lengthy no-parole sentences that would be less severe if imposed today.

MPC: Sentencing Figures in Federal Sentence Reform

The provisions on sentence reduction in the Model Penal Code: Sentencing project have recently played a key role in federal sentencing reform efforts. In one case a federal task force on corrections credited the ALI for one of its recommendations; in another. the U.S. Sentencing Commission expanded its policy on sentence reduction after hearing testimony from two Advisers to the MPC project.