At its meeting on January 18 and 19, 2024, the ALI Council reviewed and discussed Council Drafts of the following projects and approved drafts and portions of drafts as listed.
Madison Bessho Posts
Law360 Article on Excessive Force Claims
Madison Bessho | Jan 11 2024 | Policing
This recent Law360 Access to Justice article examines several excessive use-of-force cases and what this could mean for future litigants.
ALI CLE Program: Choice-of-Entity and Tax Considerations for Nonprofits
Madison Bessho | Nov 16 2023 | Charitable Nonprofit Organizations
A new ethics course from ALI CLE will discuss the different approaches for nonprofits and charitable organizations’ entity selection and the results these selections will have on the organization’s tax status.
The 2023 Coverage College
Madison Bessho | Oct 11 2023 | Liability Insurance
On October 12, White and Williams will host its 17th Annual Coverage College, an event for insurance professionals to engage in the vast perspectives and knowledge in the insurance world.
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds ICWA
Madison Bessho | Jun 15 2023 | American Indian Law
In Haaland v. Brackeen, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act.
2023 Children and the Law Symposium
Madison Bessho | Apr 18 2023 | Children and the Law
The University of Chicago Law School is hosting the ‘2023 Law Review Symposium: Children and the Law,’ on the Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law project.
Symposium on ‘Concluding the Restatement (Third) of Torts’
Madison Bessho | Mar 23 2023 | Inside The ALI
On March 24, the Southwestern Law Review and Southwestern’s Panish Civil Justice Program are co-sponsoring a symposium with The American Law Institute titled Concluding the Restatement (Third) of Torts.
Christopher Slobogin on Policing and Virtual Searches
Madison Bessho | Jan 19 2023 | Policing
The Lawfare Podcast recently featured Christopher Slobogin to discuss his new book, Virtual Searches, Regulating the Covert World of Technological Policing.
The 16th Annual Rennard Strickland Lecture
Madison Bessho | Nov 8 2022 | American Indian Law
The University of Oregon School of Law hosted the 16th Annual Rennard Strickland Lecture Series, featuring a talk by Matthew L.M. Fletcher of University of Michigan Law School.
Solangel Maldonado, Maxine Eichner Discuss Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law
Madison Bessho | Oct 19 2022 | Children and the Law
Lehigh Valley Press News conducted an interview with Maxine Eichner and Solangel Maldonado on the concept of medical child abuse, state intervention, and the Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law.