Rachel A. Harmon Posts

Proportional Use of Force

The Policing project is on ALI’s Annual Meeting agenda this year for the first time, specifically, Use of Force. These principles were prioritized because there is an immediate need for guidance on this issue, and many states and police departments are considering reform to their current use of force policies.

Proportional Use of Force

The Policing project is on ALI’s Annual Meeting agenda this year for the first time, specifically, Use of Force. As the project progresses, The ALI Adviser will share several sections of the project, including Black Letter and Comments. The first in this series is Section 5.04 – Proportional Use of Force.

Why Arrest?

Arrests are the paradigmatic police activity. Though the practice of arrests in the United States, especially arrests involving minority suspects, is under attack, even critics widely assume the power to arrest is essential to policing.