This Director’s Letter was originally published in the fall 2022 edition of The ALI Reporter.
Richard L. Revesz Posts
Publicizing our Projects
Richard L. Revesz | Oct 26 2022 | Inside The ALI
This Director’s Letter was originally published in the fall 2022 edition of The ALI Reporter. The American Law Institute is rightfully known for its deliberative process and the painstaking efforts and contributions of the Reporters, Advisers, Members Consultative Groups, Council, and members who generate our body of work and see our projects through to completion. But what happens next? After our projects are approved, where do they go?
The Flow of Projects
Richard L. Revesz | Aug 5 2022 | Inside The ALI
This Director’s Letter was originally published in the summer 2022 edition of The ALI Reporter. The American Law Institute is defined by its substantive work, principally its Restatements of the Law, its Principles of the Law, and its Model or Uniform Codes. I thought that it would be informative to provide a sense of the flow of our projects during that time. What new projects did we undertake? What projects did we complete? How much are we accomplishing? What is next on the horizon?
The ALI Convenes a Group to Address Electoral Count Act Reform
Richard L. Revesz | May 1 2022 | Inside The ALI
The attack on the Capitol on January 6 shocked most Americans and focused attention as well on the law that governs Congress’ count of the state’s electoral votes for President and Vice President. To the members of The American Law Institute, that day’s events also marked a challenge: how to ensure that the very essence of our democracy is not placed at risk again in the future. To undertake this important project, ALI convened 10 individuals with extensive experience in law and government to study the Electoral Count Act and to make proposals for reform.
Securing the ALI’s Second Century
Richard L. Revesz | Feb 23 2022 | Inside The ALI
The American Law Institute will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. An occasion of this sort is a natural time for us to reflect on what we have been able to accomplish in our first 100 years, as well as an opportunity to plan for the Institute’s future.
The Restatement of Liability Insurance in the Courts
Richard L. Revesz | Dec 16 2021 | Inside The ALI Liability Insurance
It is gratifying to see that the Restatement of Liability Insurance is proving useful to judges because it has been one of the ALI’s more contentious projects. Approved by the ALI membership in 2018 and published a year later, the Restatement of Liability Insurance has now been cited in over 50 cases by state and federal courts.
ALI Responds to U.S. Chamber’s Inquiry Into the Restatement of Copyright
Richard L. Revesz | Oct 1 2021 | Copyright Inside The ALI
On September 10, the Global Innovation Policy Center of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to The American Law Institute concerning the Restatement of the Law, Copyright project. The post features ALI’s response to this inquiry.
The ALI and the Pandemic
Richard L. Revesz | Aug 3 2021 | Inside The ALI
This Director’s Letter was originally published in the summer 2021 edition of The ALI Reporter.
Restatement of the Law, Copyright
Richard L. Revesz | Apr 28 2021 | Copyright
The following is the Foreword text from Tentative Draft No. 2. Of Restatement of the Law, Copyright. This draft will be presented to ALI’s members at the 2021 Annual Meeting.
The Continuing Support of Our Founding Donor
Richard L. Revesz | Apr 21 2021 | Inside The ALI
The preparations underway for our 100th anniversary give us a welcome opportunity to take stock of the many contributors who have enabled our extraordinary successes over the past century.