Richard L. Revesz | October 9, 2019 | Inside The ALI
This Director’s Letter was originally published in the Fall 2019 Edition of The ALI Reporter.The ALI Style Manual, a somewhat obscure publication that nonetheless plays an important role in our work, provides relatively clear drafting guidance for Restatements...
Richard L. Revesz | August 9, 2019 | Inside The ALI
In the past few years, we frequently have seen the charge that the ALI’s mission is to state what the law “is,” rather than what the Institute thinks the law “ought to be,” and that we recently have strayed from this mission and should right the ship. This charge most...
Richard L. Revesz | April 3, 2019 | Inside The ALI, Torts: Defamation and Privacy, Torts: Miscellaneous Provisions, Torts: Remedies
At its January meeting, the Council approved the launch of the final three components of the Restatement Third of Torts. The projects tentatively are titled: Remedies; Defamation and Privacy; and Concluding Provisions. With these projects, the ALI aims to complete an...
Richard L. Revesz | December 22, 2017 | Inside The ALI
Today, it is considered axiomatic that a well-designed investment portfolio should balance risk and return in a manner that is consistent with the investor’s financial objectives, and that stocks, typically offering higher expected returns and higher risks, should...
Richard L. Revesz | December 10, 2017 | Inside The ALI
Because of Erie,1Erie RR. Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 78 (1938). the phrase “common law” probably conjures in most lawyers’ minds the idea of state common law. And, not surprisingly, the Restatements are generally identified with state common law rules. Indeed, our...