Vicki C. Jackson, Suzanne Goldberg and Jennifer Morinigo | May 14, 2018 | Student Sexual Misconduct
Principles of the Law, Student Sexual Misconduct: Procedural Frameworks for Colleges and Universities will be presented for discussion at ALI’s 95th Annual Meeting. Below is the Introductory Note included in the draft. Introductory Note: This Project is an unusual...
Anne Blythe | April 19, 2018 | Student Sexual Misconduct
UNC Chapel Hill must provide the public with the names of students and employees found responsible for rape, sexual assault or related offenses through the school’s honor court and internal procedures. The North Carolina Court of Appeals issued a ruling on Tuesday...
Gigi Grigorian | March 14, 2018 | Student Sexual Misconduct
The College announced the members of the Presidential Steering Committee on Sexual Misconduct, which will review College policies on sexual misconduct, ensure they are clear and present recommendations on policy development, education and training. The...
Taylor Carroll | February 22, 2018 | Student Sexual Misconduct
The Daily Californian explores the considerations specific to graduate students facing sexual misconduct issues and what UC Berkeley is doing to address these concerns. Read the full article. SHARE Tags: Sexual Misconduct, Student ALI Staff The American Law Institute...
Jennifer Morinigo | January 23, 2018 | Consumer Contracts, Government Ethics, International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration, Liability Insurance, Sexual Assault, Student Sexual Misconduct, Torts: Economic Harm
At its meeting in Philadelphia on January 18 and 19, the Council reviewed drafts for several projects, with the following outcomes: Consumer Contracts: The Council discussed § 1, Definitions and Scope, and § 2, Adoption of Standard Contract Terms, of Council Draft No....
Pauline Toboulidis | December 8, 2017 | Student Sexual Misconduct
In “The Takedown of Title IX: Inside the fight over federal rules on campus sexual assault,” The New York Times highlights the tension between addressing sexual assault allegations and ensuring the due process rights of the accused during campus proceedings. The...