At its meeting on October 20 and 21, 2022, the Council reviewed and discussed Council Drafts of five projects and approved drafts and portions of drafts as listed below.*
Children and the Law
The Council approved Council Draft No. 8 containing §§ 1.40 and 1.41 of Chapter 1, Parental Authority and Responsibilities; §§ 2.70, 2.71, and 2.80 of Chapter 2, State Intervention for Abuse and Neglect; §§ 13.20 and 13.60 of Chapter 13, Delinquency Proceedings; §§ 18.10 and 18.11 of Chapter 18, Minors’ Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Outside the School Context; and § 20.20 of Chapter 20, Minors’ Obligations and Responsibilities.
Conflict of Laws
The Council approved Council Draft No. 7, which contained §§ 5.20 to 5.24 of Topic 3, Substance-Procedure Distinction, of Chapter 5, Choice of Law; and §§ 6.01 to 6.10 of Topic 1, General Rules, of Chapter 6, Torts.
Government Ethics
The Council approved Council Draft No. 8 containing Chapter 1, Purpose, Scope, and Definitions; and Chapter 3, Conflicts of Interest and Outside Activities of Public Servants, subject to review of a revised version of § 303 by a small group of Council members. If the group is satisfied that the revised version reflects the discussion at the meeting, no additional approval by the Council will be required.
The Council approved Council Draft No. 6, which contained topics from Chapter 1, Ejectment and Trespass to Land, and Chapter 2, Privileged Entries on Land, from Division One, Property Torts, of Volume 2, Interferences With, and Limits on, Ownership and Possession.
Torts: Concluding Provisions
The Council approved § 18 A on Negligent Misrepresentation Causing Physical Harm and Sections on the Firefighter’s Rule and Medical Monitoring in Council Draft No. 3. In addition, the Council approved §§ 5 and 6 of the Chapter on Liability of Medical Professionals and Institutions, and discussed but did not vote on § 4 of that Chapter. The Reporters will revise § 4 for consideration at the Council’s January meeting.
Due to time constraints, the Council did not complete its discussion of the remainder of Council Draft No. 3.
If you would like more information on any of the drafts or projects, please contact us at
* All approvals are subject to the discussion at the meeting and the usual editorial prerogative.