Kermit Roosevelt III, Laura Elizabeth Little, Christopher A. Whytock and Pauline Toboulidis | May 27, 2020 | Conflict of Laws
The following entry contains the Black Letter to §§ 5.06 and 5.07 of Tentative Draft No. 1, Chapter 5. Choice of Law, Topic 2. Foreign Law, from Restatement of the Law Third, Conflict of Laws. The full draft contains additional Comments and Reporters’ Notes. This...
Kermit Roosevelt III, Laura Elizabeth Little, Christopher A. Whytock and Pauline Toboulidis | May 22, 2020 | Conflict of Laws
The following entry contains the Black Letter and Comments a and b to § 2.01 of Tentative Draft No. 1, Chapter 2. Domicile, from Restatement of the Law Third, Conflict of Laws. The full draft contains additional Comments and Reporters’ Notes.This project was on the...
Kermit Roosevelt III, Laura Elizabeth Little and Christopher A. Whytock | May 15, 2020 | Conflict of Laws
In this summary, Reporters Kermit Roosevelt III, Laura E. Little, and Christopher A. Whytock provide an overview of Tentative Draft No. 1 (2020) of Restatement of the Law Third, Conflict of Laws, which contains parts of Chapter 1, Introduction; Chapter 2, Domicile;...
Megan Dingley | February 26, 2020 | Conflict of Laws, U.S. Foreign Relations Law
In a dissenting opinion delivered in Hernández v. Mesa, No. 17-1678 (February 25, 2020), U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg quoted Restatement of the Law Third, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States § 402 and Restatement of the Law...
Jennifer Morinigo | January 28, 2020 | American Indian Law, Children and the Law, Conflict of Laws, Government Ethics, Property, Sexual Assault, Student Sexual Misconduct, Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons
At its meeting in Philadelphia on January 16 and 17, 2020, the Council reviewed and discussed Council Drafts of ten projects and approved drafts and portions of drafts as listed below.*American Indian Law: The Council approved Council Draft No. 6, containing all...
Dan Shefet | December 24, 2019 | Conflict of Laws, Data Privacy, U.S. Foreign Relations Law
INTRODUCTIONIn June 2019, President Donald Trump suggested the European Union’s (EU) suits against certain American companies, such as Facebook and Google, were inappropriate legal actions.1Trump Suggests EU out of line with suits against US tech firms, Bus. Ins....