Election Administration Posts

Fair Elections During a Crisis

An ad-hoc committee of scholars and researchers recently released a report addressing the challenges posed by holding an election in the midst of a public health crisis.

What Happened in Wisconsin

In this podcast episode of Free and Fair with Franita and Foley, election scholars Ned Foley and Franita Tolson analyze the partisanship and polarization that contributed to the state’s fraught primary, and how other states can do better in their upcoming elections.

Democrats Urge Justices to Stay Out of Wisconsin Primary Dispute

One day after Wisconsin Republicans asked the Supreme Court to block a lower-court ruling that extended the deadline for voters to submit absentee ballots in the state’s primary election, Wisconsin Democrats urged the justices to stay out of the dispute and allow that ruling to stay in place for now.

Principles of Election Law: Early In-Person Voting and Open Absentee Voting

In light of the recent disruptions to in-person elections due to the COVID-19 restrictions, and the potential for a larger-than-average number of citizens requesting absentee ballots, state officials may need guidance on how to implement fair and efficient absentee protocols now more than ever.

What If 2020 Election Is Disputed?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi was correct when she recently said that the best way to avoid a disputed election is for the result to be a blowout. But that is a hope, and we need a plan.

Why Many 2020 Swing States Will Produce Recount Headaches

If the 2020 presidential election hinges on recounts in the closest battleground states, there could be a crisis even greater than the 2000 election where the U.S. Supreme Court ended a Florida recount in its infamous Bush v. Gore ruling.