Pauline Toboulidis | May 22, 2017 | Election Administration
ALI Membership voted to approve the Election Administration Tentative Draft No. 2 at this year’s Annual Meeting on May 22.* Approval of the Draft marks the completion of this Principles project. This Draft includes Part II, Principles for the Resolution of...
Pauline Toboulidis | January 27, 2017 | Election Administration, Liability Insurance, Sentencing, Sexual Assault
At its January 2017 meeting, the Council took the following actions concerning project drafts: Sentencing Council approved the drafts of Sections 6x.04, 6.14, and 7.09 presented in the Reporters’ Memoranda to the Council. The Draft contains: PART I – GENERAL...
Edward B. Foley and Steven F. Huefner | December 29, 2016 | Election Administration
In Part One of our series, we commended the state of Virginia’s effort to coordinate its recount and contest procedures for a presidential election in a way to enable the state to meet the Safe Harbor Deadline. And Virginia is a state with particularly noticeable...
Edward B. Foley and Steven F. Huefner | December 14, 2016 | Election Administration
The idea of expedited procedures is hardly foreign to American law. Indeed, its application to elections—and specifically recounts—is not without precedent. It is perhaps surprising that more states have not adopted specific procedural mechanisms for the expedited...
Jennifer Morinigo | November 1, 2016 | Election Administration
The American Law Institute has released its updated Principles of the Law, Election Administration: Non-Precinct Voting and Resolution of Ballot-Counting Disputes, Part I: Principles of Non-Precinct Voting: Early In-Person Voting and Absentee Voting and Part III:...