Two Restatement projects, Economic Harm Torts and Liability Insurance, were reviewed and approved for the final time by ALI membership at the 2018 Annual Meeting, marking the completion of both projects. The Reporters, subject to oversight by the Director, will now prepare the Institute’s official text for publication. Until the official text is published, the draft approved by the membership is the official position of ALI, and may be cited as such.
The title of “Reporter” is an intentional one. ALI’s Reporters are not authors of ALI’s work, rather “The Reporter initially reports to the Institute by means of a series of drafts, which are then reviewed according to the deliberative processes established by the Institute and revised as a result of those processes” (ALI Style Manual). The Reporters take on an enormous amount of work in drafting, meeting with participants and Council, and revising the work until it is approved. The videos below feature Ward Farnsworth and Kyle Logue, Reporters on the Economic Harm Torts and Liability Insurance projects, on what it’s like to be an ALI Reporter, and what advice they would give to future Reporters.
Kyle Logue joined a panel at the Early Career Scholars Medal Conference: The Future of Insurance Law and Regulation. Below he addresses the possibility of a future project on first-party insurance and what a future ALI Reporter should consider.