Liability Insurance Posts

The Known Loss Doctrine and Liability Insurance

Insurance coverage is premised on the concept of fortuity – a loss that occurs by chance or accident. When an insurance company issues a policy, it insures against a risk of possible loss, not a certainty. Insurance carriers do not intend to provide coverage for a loss that has already occurred, is in progress, or is substantially certain to occur. Yet, situations will arise where policyholders attempt to obtain insurance coverage for a loss that has already occurred.

January Council Meeting Updates

At its meeting in Philadelphia on January 18 and 19, the Council reviewed drafts for several projects, with the following outcomes:


Here are some recent and upcoming events featuring topics that may be of interest to our readers.

ALI Liability Insurance Restatement: Latest Happenings

While ALI postponed the vote on final approval of its “Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance” until May 2018, at least seven courts have not let the lack of a bow on it stop them from citing it. In a few instances, the Restatement was relevant in the court’s decision. Translation: there is good reason to become familiar with the Restatement, even if it’s not officially in the books.

Liability Insurance Draft Cited

In a decision that discussed the issue of rescission of insurance contracts in cases of material misrepresentations in insurance applications by high-risk insureds, the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles cited the Proposed Final Draft of Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance.