Navajo Sign Law Criminalizing Human Trafficking
Navajo President Russell Begaye on August 7 signed the Navajo Nation Law against Human Trafficking, signaling his commitment to take a stance against an international crime that targets some of the world’s most vulnerable populations. The law, which amends the tribe’s criminal code, also calls for cooperation among government and civil institutions to define, prevent and combat the illegal “transporting, trading or dealing” of people.
Title IX and Procedural Fairness: Why Disciplined-Student Litigation Does Not Undermine the Role of Title IX in Campus Sexual Assault
This Article examines the recent spate of disciplined – student cases in an effort to harmonize Title IX compliance with the procedural rights of students who are accused of sexual assault.
Department of Education Rethinking Campus Guidance on Sexual Assault
Higher education institutions may soon be asked to reconsider how they comply with Title IX obligations when a student or employee files a sexual assault complaint.
Ruling Gives Justice to Juvenile Offenders
The blindfold seen on statues of Lady Justice worldwide represents how the judicial system must not be affected by outside influences. All who enter a courtroom must, too, be treated fairly. A Monday ruling by the 8th Circuit Court confirmed that justice must be blind...
Eighth Circuit Upholds the Dismissal of a Non-Student’s Title IX Claim
The Eighth Circuit’s ruling does not address whether a non-student may sue under Title IX, but instead finds that the plaintiff’s allegations fail to state a plausible claim to survive dismissal.
The 48-Hour Rule and Overdetention in California Juvenile Proceedings
This article explores the 48-hour rule in the juvenile context, with a particular focus on California. It summarizes California statutory law, provides a chart of the implications of current law on days of detention, and presents the results of a statewide survey on actual practice in the counties.
The ALI Adviser is intended to inform readers about the legal topics and issues examined in many of ALI’s current projects; posts do not necessarily represent the position of the Institute taken in those projects. Posts on The ALI Adviser are written by ALI project participants, ALI members, and outside sources. Completed work is available to purchase online.