International Law in the Age of Trump: A Post-Human Rights Agenda
ALI Member and Restatement of the Law Fourth, Foreign Relations Law – Immunity Reporter Ingrid Wuerth of Vanderbilt Law School presented the final 2016 lecture in the World Affairs Council series at UNC Asheville on Dec 6. Her lecture titled "International Law in the...
Parole-Release Authority
This post on parole release authority shares a study by Reporter Kevin Reitz, which appeared in the 2011 Tentative Draft No. 2, as well as black letter from the most recent draft of the Sentencing project, Council Draft No. 6.
Responding to Security Breaches
Security breaches remain big news, virtually every day. Executives and managers understand it is a question of “when,” not “if,” their companies will be targeted. Companies in all industries, as well as a host of other organizations, are affected. Hackers are engaged in ever more brazen schemes to gather personal and proprietary information for a variety of motives.
Native American Artist Challenges Oklahoma’s Right to Say Who Is an Indian
The Smithsonian National Museum in Washington, D.C., and Sports Illustrated model Kathy Ireland have something in common. Both have displayed the award-winning American Indian artwork of Peggy Fontenot, one of the 1,500 members of the Patawomeck Tribe of Virginia.
Insurance Coverage for Cyber Risks
When it comes to insurance coverage for cyber risks, uncertainty continues to reign supreme. Cyber liability insurance is constantly evolving, and while dozens of insurers currently offer a cyber liability product, coverages are not standard from policy to policy.
New Research Suggests Body Cameras Do Not Reduce Use-of-Force
The preliminary results of a study completed by the Urban Institute suggest that officers do not use less force after they begin wearing body cameras.
The ALI Adviser is intended to inform readers about the legal topics and issues examined in many of ALI’s current projects; posts do not necessarily represent the position of the Institute taken in those projects. Posts on The ALI Adviser are written by ALI project participants, ALI members, and outside sources. Completed work is available to purchase online.