Inheritance in an Unequal Age
In the last three decades, state legislatures have eliminated the Rule against Perpetuities, and now dynasty trusts can make carefully controlled payments to a trust settlor’s descendants for hundreds of years. Trusts scholars have roundly criticized the Rule’s removal, and some have described it as charting a path to a new Gilded Age. This Article draws a theoretical lesson from the Rule’s demise.
Publicizing our Projects
This Director’s Letter was originally published in the fall 2022 edition of The ALI Reporter. The American Law Institute is rightfully known for its deliberative process and the painstaking efforts and contributions of the Reporters, Advisers, Members Consultative Groups, Council, and members who generate our body of work and see our projects through to completion. But what happens next? After our projects are approved, where do they go?
October 2022 Council Meeting Updates
At its meeting on October 20 and 21, 2022, the Council reviewed and discussed Council Drafts of five projects and approved drafts and portions of drafts as listed.
Natural Resource Property Customs
In an era of space exploration, e-commerce, and internet, the United States follows the same Civil War-era mining law, enacted prior to the invention of the lightbulb and automobile. This article examines the history of American natural resource customs in mining systems and how those customary property traditions ultimately led to our current mining laws.
Solangel Maldonado, Maxine Eichner Discuss Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law
Lehigh Valley Press News conducted an interview with Maxine Eichner and Solangel Maldonado on the concept of medical child abuse, state intervention, and the Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law.
The Law of Disposable Children: Searches in Schools
This Article uses a combination of methodological approaches to show how the law of searches in schools operates on the ground by conducting an in-depth case study of one jurisdiction, Illinois.
The ALI Adviser is intended to inform readers about the legal topics and issues examined in many of ALI’s current projects; posts do not necessarily represent the position of the Institute taken in those projects. Posts on The ALI Adviser are written by ALI project participants, ALI members, and outside sources. Completed work is available to purchase online.