In Loco Parentis, the First Amendment, and Parental Rights—Can they Coexist in Public Schools?

A debate taking place throughout the United States in school board meetings, state legislatures, and the public square—is the simple question of what happens, from a legal perspective, when a parent drops their child off at a public school. This Article proposes a framework whereby in loco parentis and the constitutional rights of students and parents can coexist at public schools

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Torts in the American Law Institute

This Article suggests that, in the domain of tort law, The American Law Institute has had important successes when proceeding in the manner of an appellate court, and has courted trouble when operating in the other modes.

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Cedar Point Nursery and the End of the New Deal Settlement

The United States Supreme Court case Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid has sparked intense criticism, with critics arguing that the decision threatens to transform the law of property rights so as to “hobble” government land use regulation and even undermine democracy. This Article explains why the objections of Cedar Point’s detractors are misplaced and that it is best understood as another step in the normalization of property rights.

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Ownership Concentration: Lessons from Natural Resources

This Essay suggests that where the concentration of land ownership is a concern, one might draw lessons for reform by looking to the field of natural resources law, which employs a range of deconcentration mechanisms affecting fisheries, mineral extraction, farmland, and the like that have proven a considerable success.

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